Sharon Easton
Storyteller, Writer
Nathan Nafthal’s home, 4 Liepu Street, Memel (Klaipeda) was confiscated during the Holocaust and never returned to the family.
Sharon’s first creative non-fiction book titled Beach Moose & Amber: Finding My Jewish History is the greatest writing adventure of her life — at least for now.
Sharon is an active member of The Writers Union Canada, Canadian Writers, the Around Town Tellers in Nanaimo BC, and various local writing groups.
If Sharon is not in her studio writing, you can find her hiking with friends and dogs, cycling back roads, RVing in North America, and flying to far-away destinations. Sharon lives beside the sea on beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada with her husband and two wonderful Labradoodles.
Sharon is among the first generation of Jews born after the Holocaust. Her birthplace was rural Nova Scotia, Canada where her Jewish grandparents and mother immigrated after they fled their home in Lithuania — arriving in Canada six weeks before World War II officially began. Her family didn’t talk about those horrendous years in Europe leading up to World War II. Decades after her grandparents and parents passed away Sharon tells it all through her writings in hopes to keep their memories alive. Sharon, her daughters and grandson are three generations of living testimony that the insane determination to eliminate all Jews worldwide during the Holocaust — The Final Solution, did not succeed.
Always a storyteller, when Sharon was still too young to know how to write she would take her father’s worn-down pencils and yellow lined paper to scribble lines while she made up stories in her head.
Adventure was calling Sharon when she moved from the east coast of Nova Scotia to the west coast of British Columbia. On her arrival, Sharon’s goal was to create a writing community around her. She is the co-founder of The Five W’s Writing Circle, Co-founder of the Salish Sea Writers, a member of the Federation of University Women’s Writers Group and a member of Oceanside Writers Circle. Sharon is also a member of the Federation of BC Writers.
This website was designed by Cindy Folk.
You can reach Cindy at cindy@cindyfolkauthor.com

My Happy Place!

Biker Chick

Just me and my row boat

Hiking in the Rockies!

Paddling my day away!

Mother/Daughter time with Heather!

Mother/Daughter Road Trip with Sarah!

Family adventure in Alberta with Chuck, stepson Rob, and the pooches; Annie, the grand-pup, Hazel and Gracie.

Hiking Vancouver Island with Chuck, the grandson Josh, and fiancée Victoria!